Классные часы в СЭПШ |
В рамках факультетской акции «Быть вежливым – красиво!» магистры (РП-61) в течение недели проводили классные часы в СЭПШ, где рассказывали на английском языке о правилах этикета и культуре поведения. Гуценко Е.: «Being polite is a matter of etiquette; it's about respect, and being considerate of people's feelings, culture, and values. It does not seem difficult, but for many people it remains a challenge. While some people have no interest whatsoever in politesse, if you're reading this you're probably wondering how you can improve your etiquette. At the very least, you might want to know how to avoid being rude or boorish, which, at the very least, can put off the people around you. Being polite is also a good way to make friends». |