The lesson was held by Oksana Tsyganok, English teacher of Specialized Economics and Law school of University of Humanities. The goals of the lesson were:
- to classify main professions and terms related to banking and financial activities as well as law and order;
- to practice speaking skills while acting out roleplays on the topics «Job Interview».
A Professor of Swiss and British B.H.V.S. Business school Magdy Attalla has visited us again. This school is widely-known for training professionals in tourism and hotel management. As it was last year, our guest gave a very interesting interactive class in PUA School, first, and then to students of different departments. This time he spoke about how important it is to distinguish generations of customers (generation X, Y, Z) in marketing and address each generation in a different way. Valuable professional information, original ideas, humour and live interaction – this is what we remember Professor Attalla’s classes for. As he said, he also enjoyed communication with our students, who he found bright and responsive.
That’s why on Black Friday we had a game of charade in the English Club. The teams that were the winners: BA-21 and the form 10a (the second best) demonstrated the biggest vocabulary and the exceptional sense of humour.
This year on the day of its birthday People’s Ukrainian Academy had a very special ceremony:
the memorandum of cooperation with the International Educational Group “Pearson Dinternal” was signed as a stately occasion. According to M. Malygina, Head of “Pearson education” office in Ukraine, the purpose of our cooperation is to improve and develop the system of English language learning/teaching in the whole educational institution.
Within the cooperation between the Foreign Languages Chair and a company Eruditus, the organizer of individual and group educational trips abroad, we held a meeting with Magdy Attala, the professor of one of the most prestigious universities in Switzerland B.H.M.S. University Center.
Stand-up comedy is for the brave, those who dare to stand up and make an audience laugh.
At our 12 October meeting our first year students had an opportunity to speak English in public. Senior students, as well as the pupils of the Specialized School, shared their traveling experiences. Social management students organized funny team-building activities. Now we’re a team!
Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine held the 17th American Studies Summer Institute with the theme “U.S. Presidential Elections: Window into American Society”. The event was hosted by America House in June 22-24, 2016.
Head of the English Language department Natalia Molodcha, along with other 30 teachers from Ukrainian universities, was selected to take part in the seminars.
The Academy hosted a skype-presentation of Master's programs for undergraduates of Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Sciences (Kyiv – Bucha). UIAS conducts training in the following areas: Humanities; Management and Administration; Economy and Entrepreneurship.
On April 27, 2016, Ye.V. Tarasova, assistant professor at the KhHU “PUA” Chair of the English language, conducted a master-class to the students of the Business Administration department on “Consolidation of annotation and summary writing skills” at which, apart from their ability to analyze a scientific text in English, the students were also involved in a number of other English speaking activities, such as debating and role-play in which they actively and energetically participated.
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