This year on the day of its birthday People’s Ukrainian Academy had a very special ceremony:
the memorandum of cooperation with the International Educational Group “Pearson Dinternal” was signed as a stately occasion. According to M. Malygina, Head of “Pearson education” office in Ukraine, the purpose of our cooperation is to improve and develop the system of English language learning/teaching in the whole educational institution.
In the programme of the special day there was a Teacher Training seminar for our teachers, carried out by Michael Hudson, Pearson’s representative and a professional teacher trainer. He spoke about Pearson’s latest project – a virtual laboratory for English language learning/ teaching “My English lab” which enables students to learn the language autonomously, giving them access to a virtual interactive workbook, and spares teachers marking and grading homework, giving them opportunity to keep their eye on students’ progress. This is what 21st century students and teachers are supposed to be able to do.