About the University
Kharkov University of Humanities (KhUH) is the third level of the integral educational complex of PUA, which also includes Children’s School of Early Development and Specialized Secondary Economics and Law School. The University is the topmost stage of the three-level educational establishment providing Lifelong Learning. Kharkov University of Humanities has the fourth accreditation level and trains economists, translators and sociologists.
There are three main faculties in KhUH:
- the Faculty of Business Administration,
- the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
- the Faculty of Social Management.
The University also includes the Centre of Pre-higher School Training, the Centre of Further Education, the Faculty of Extramural and Distance Learning, the Faculty of Post-Graduate Education and Further Training, Post-graduate Courses, Post-doctoral Courses, 50+ School – courses for third-age students.
Provision of higher education at the PUA has a number of peculiarities. First of all, it is staging of educational training. The point and purpose of each of the three stages is to increase future graduates’ competitiveness at the labour market and to provide high standards of their general, fundamental and special training.
Bachelor’s degree is awarded after four years of studying, at the end of the 8th semester. Specialist’s degree – after five years of studying, at the end of the 10th semester and Master’s degree – at the end of the 11th semester after five and a half years of studying.
Secondly, a lot of attention is paid to practical preparation of students as various types of practical trainings and on-the-job trainings are included in the curriculum during all the years of studying.
The third peculiarity is the Career Planning Laboratory – a special department dealing with organization of practical trainings and graduates employment.
While studying students acquire skills of a good command of new computer technologies, they are able to receive profound knowledge of any academic subject and a foreign language.